
Medical Center

Uninorte Medical Center where Dr Benavides’s office is located is the largest medical institution specialized in cosmetic surgery in the city. It includes spas, surgery settings, esthetic centers, esthetic dentistry specialists, and comfortable hospitalization rooms. It is located in the very exclusive north part of the city where most clinics and hospitals are concentrated.


  • Waiting room
  • Consultation room: Our state-of-the-art Computer Imaging System enables patients to instantly view realistic surgical improvements that can be achieved by Dr. Benavides.
  • Exam Room: In this area Dr. Benavides performs non surgical procedures, takes face pictures and uses video endoscopic diagnostic systems if necessary.

Surgery waiting room

Operating, recovery and hospitalization rooms are located at the medical center in a very comfortable and private setting. These facilities are only few meters far from Dr. Benavides’s office on the same floor.


Operating rooms

Our medical center features a state-of-the-art Surgical Facility where all procedures can be performed in complete privacy. Our three facilities are furnished with the latest modern equipment to guarantee a safe and comfortable experience. We have halogen video endoscopic systems and fat centrifuge among other technological aids.
